Jesus: "The story of Jesus in its entirety spans 2,020 years of human history that binds together all the world's righteousness, honor, courage, love, loyalty, confidence, determination, genius, humility, and a host of other attributes that have challenged men and women throughout the ages who have followed this leader who has liberated the world and set our path on the higher ground of the Kingdom of God. This story told throughout the pages of explains the history of man from God's perspective with revelation and interpretation that only Jesus can provide in ways that bring light and understanding to people of any religion or no religion with clarity for all who seek to know."

This website can be understood better when viewed as a body with a head who is Jesus and with a body who is the growing number of believers and those who are people who are not against us so are for us meaning they believe in much of what we believe while their larger belief system may not include believing that Jesus has been given headship authority by Jehovah and that Jehovah is even God or their God and this is why Jehovah who sees the heart and the inside of every person knows who these are and who these are not and no man can determine this. The above section is all about the headship of Jesus in the entire world and about his mission to eradicate evil from this planet and this race of human beings so that we are all free to grow in goodness and not evil.

Everlasting Father

"While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them,
and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!

Matthew 17:5

Jesus: "I have a voice and in
my own words for anyone who has
an ear to hear."

Jesus: "This website could not have been presented on the internet without the contributions of millions of people past and present from the Body of Christ and also those from the family of God."

Jehovah: "My bride America has overcome evil and if not for the efforts of brave men and women who are Patriots and the army of Jesus this country would have been overrun by the most evil things that life has ever known and their plans were well laid and executed with all patience and deliberation while causing chaos   ... read more here

Jehovah: "America is in crisis and I have asked a trusted human being to give me an honest assessment of the crisis and the remedy for the crisis and it has been submitted to me and can be viewed at Opinion For Divine Court."

Declaration of Jesus Christ

This is Jehovah's view of his part in the story of our human race and its unintended development and the resulting danger which mankind is currently dealing with and God is intervening to show mankind how to safely navigate the storms that are breaking upon our people and this view of God's salvation plan has been obscured by every false teaching and all the confusion that comes with that.

Jehovah Will Never Leave Us Nor Forsake Us

When Jehovah Carries His Carrier

The following is Jehovah's Song which is a contemporary secular song that very closely explains what God is all about.

"You have reached that moment of decision when you know that you must move forward one way or another and the way you have chosen is to go forward with Jesus into the next phase of your life which will be a supernatural and exquisitely beautiful experience of life that will flow forward forever and you will always love this life as you have known it as you will always love your life as it is becoming more truly who you really are and the twisted future that isn't right will now not be and just as I have told you I am bringing the real you to the light as you fulfill your destiny. You have found your cure within yourself.  You are now free Kathy."

Lord, I remember when you gave this song to me and I knew it was a very profound message for me but at the time I was having terrible problems in my family due to complications of a birth in the family and God told me to say certain things at that time that made matters worse and not better and he told me how sorry he was that he caused me such grief and sorry that ensued and is still unresolved to this day. You gave me this this song at that time and for over four years you have been untangling my twisted future and I have been trusting you to make things right that have gone terribly wrong. Through this time you showed me how genetics have become so tangled up that it is nearly impossible to repair anything that concerns the human race and yet you have done just that with me and I remember when we started untangling all kinds of tangled up messes concerning cellular diseases and emotional entanglements that further complicated the physical problem within the Dna itself. Slowly but surely you taught me all sorts of things regarding genetics and epigenetics which is the God layer of human genetics and then taught me how to pray to untangle so many things that would have remained that way forever or until our race died out completely. When you first gave me this song I remember being somewhat confused if the words were for me or if the words were for my family situation but it never occurred to me that the words were meant for all of humanity as we know it here on earth.

Unknown Molecules Are The Substance of Life

Jesus has told me that people generally see him one way or the other and that both sides are wrong and he has told me that people generally understand what God is doing one way or the other and again both sides are wrong. Jesus asked me to build him a website and to give him a voice because like so many people in this world he really has not had a voice. Everybody else has spoken for him and what is  ... read more here

When people speak under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit it is inspired by God but it is not inspired by Jesus. This link explains why this is true.

Jesus: "In the course of human history there has never been a time like this with so much promise and yet so few people who can see it and it is my intention that all people have the opportunity and the blessing of seeing how each and every person on earth can help bring about the world that others have only dreamed of and to not only bring it about but to bask in its goodness and thrive in its complete and
  ... read more here

Jesus: "I came to America with a small group of devoted believers who determined to carve out a life of freedom to worship Jehovah without interference or domination. It is their pure love and commitment to God, family and country that is the rock upon which I built my church. As their descendants have pioneered across the great land of America to the very edges of the western coast the legacy of these people is woven throughout every city, county and state as the salt of the earth as they have fought tyranny time and time again and held fast to the high ideals as imbued in them by Jesus and Jehovah who has reconciled the twelve tribes of ancient Israel."

The words as given me by Jehovah and by Jesus will always be preceded by their names and with quotes throughout this website.

Jehovah: "Most human beings who believe Jesus is my son seek answers and help from God but often do not have any clue as to the distinctions between us which are as subtle as they are vast and of course the reason for this is that once born Jesus left his spirit world to become a man in the flesh which I have never been nor will I ever be and yet I am as real and present with you just the same and I have throughout this website tried to help the reader know who they are listening to by using my name Jehovah. You have always called me Lord from the time you came   ... read more here

Teleporting And Spirit Travel In The Bible

Jesus: "I have been showing you things of great magnitude regarding life beyond earth and even beyond our universe and you have recalled what you thought was a dream you had long ago when your children were very small. Father and I want to reveal to you now that the dream you thought you had was actually spirit travel and I took you to a place far beyond this planet to show you the universe from a very different perspective. We did this in response to something you requested of God which was that you wanted to save America because you could see she was under attack by the left and because you had the vision for what was happening we felt you could be developed into a person who could actually be successful even though we knew it was against all odds because vision is one thing and bring vision to fruition without mistepping along the way was quite another. You were married to a man whose character and propensities for sin were great because his pride was his stumbling block and which he has not overcome to this very day. We knew that your marriage to such a man could become your stumbling block as well and yet we could not change your course because your decisions had to be done by your free will. As the enemy's gains made the situation on earth much more dire, we stepped our efforts to give you the supernatural experiences that would cause you to continue following Jehovah and no one was more amazed than we were that you actually followed us. Your request to save America was made before you knew me and it was perhaps the one desire of your heart that caused you to do so because when you wrote your letter to God you did so out of a state of confusion because you knew already that your vast array of knowledge had to be for some purpose and not a random ongoing interest in world events and the meaning of it all. The fact that you dissected the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle to discover that one was good and the other was evil and that one was the basis for the philosophy of America and the other was the basis for the philosophy of Lucifer even though you would not have defined it quite that way at the time it still was what you understood and how you clarified it in your mind and applied it to the world at large.

So back to our spirit excursion into the far reaches of the universe where I showed you how everything in the world worked with the admonition that you would not remember those details but you would remember the trip. The reason we want to tell you this now is because that spirit travel with me so long ago was the beginning of the great awakening in you and how you took that and ran with it to be come a visionary of great magnitude. And tough it may seem that such an experience was a great gift to you that perhaps others have not received, I wish to say that more people have received much greater gifts of this type than you ever have and they have shared their experiences with people on camera and off and you have heard many of their accounts but never thought that you had had an experience like theirs because I told you at the time you were not to remember just what I showed you and that you were not to speak of it to others and to cause you to forget was one way we safeguarded you from inadvertently revealing too much too soon. One of the things that will happen when I change you is that you will remember the entire spirit trip that we took together years ago and it was this time together that caused you to allow me to enter the chink in your armor that you had used as your defense against me. This experience occurred in the late 1980's when the Chinese students were demonstrating in Tiananmen Square for democracy in a show of courage that inspired you and all this culminated in your surrender to me in 1992 on one beautiful morning while Jack took all the kids to the park when two preachers in back to back programs on television inspired you to give Jesus a chance. You invited me in and I knew that you understood why you did it but I also knew that your worldview was very carnal and that you no support from even one person who could give you a spiritual perspective from the word of God and that the odds of the seed that was planted in you that day had little hope to grow before something would snuff it out. Many things followed that almost did just that but Jehovah would not let the ember die until you had a full blown conversion and when that happened you fell in love with me and you have been true to me every single day since. You had to walk through the circumstances of your life and you did so with an ever winding upward path with your heart and your mind on God and with a faith that was blind to you in your waking mind but very deep and connected in your inner being. We had hoped for many more like you but this world prevented that in a myriad of ways and though many have come close none have even begun to overcome all the various situations and conditions that arose to knock you off your path. Your success can be attributed to the fact that every single thing that has happened in your life you brought to God for counsel and you did your best to follow what you believed that counsel was. Not one person can do this perfectly but you have come very close and that is why you are in this position now and why mankind can and should thank you for your diligence because now the prospects for peace are real and the future of this planet look very bright. This bright future is possible because of all the visionaries including me who have sought a better way but no one will ever be able to deny that your contribution to this future was the tipping point that caused life everywhere to release a sigh of relief that evil did not prevail and that Jehovah's word returned full of promise just as he said it would."

Jesus, I remember so well that I knew everything had been explained and that I was sent back with no memory of it. I called it a dream for lack of knowledge and now that I know it was spirit travel this connects some dots for me that are helping me understand now the scope of my mission for the future and it is most fascinating to me what lies ahead.  What do you think will be our next step?

"Obviously changing you will be our next step but I do want to say that when I asked you to write for me I really did not intend to say nearly as much as I did but it was such a good opportunity and you inspired me with the questions in your mind and I felt this was a good time to fill you in on that spiritual experience that you had when you were young. You will have many more of those now and it is my hope that your memory of this experience will prepare you for the others that will surely lie ahead as there are many people of other human races who I want you to meet. I would rather take you there first than to allow them here because of the fear factor of people on this planet. Many have already been exposed to extraterrestrial life but it has not all been pleasant and now that Lucifer is gone and the last of the demons will meet his same fate of utter destruction, the life that will remain here and throughout all the universes will be free of evil. Life will take on its full expression of good but now our race has something wonderful to add to life everywhere and that something is love."

Teleporting and Spirit Travel in the Bible

Posted on August 27, 2015 by daniel

Spirit Travel? Teleporting? Say what!?!? Isn’t this just the stuff of science fiction?

Well, you might be surprised to learn that teleporting and spirit travel is throughout the Bible and is an ability that God has and will still sometimes employ for those in service of the King, Yehoshua (aka Jesus)… and sometimes maybe just for fun! God is a Happy and fun-loving God!

I came to soon realize after exploring this topic that this is apparently a controversial subject among Christians and some react quite negatively toward this idea of being able to travel through space (and time!) either as a spirit or even in a physical body. I thought I would just share what the Holy Scriptures have to say on the subject to alleviate the fears and concerns that some may have about this topic of Teleportation and Spirit travel. I expect that even the most staunchly conservative people will have to submit to God’s Word on this one?

We will explore in this blog how the prophets, saints, and the apostles experienced spirit travel and teleporting and how this just might become your experience as well as you grow in fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

There are numerous places in Scripture where we see people being teleported or translated while others travel great distances as a spirit in what I like to refer to as “Spirit travel”. The apostle Paul didn’t know whether he was in the body or in the spirit on some of his spiritual adventures. This is often what is meant by “visions” in the Scripture – you go into the spirit realm and are shown spiritual truths in wild dreamlike pictures, ever read the book of Revelation? (These prophetic visions must be tested by the standard for all truth! God’s holy Word!). Visions are to be expected among all of humanity really and most especially by his children:

“It will come about after this

That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind;

And your sons and daughters will prophesy,

Your old men will dream dreams,

Your young men will see visions.

“Even on the male and female servants

I will pour out My Spirit in those days.” Joel 2:28-29 NASB

“Those days” were initiated when the outpouring of the Holy Spirit began at Pentecost. (See Acts 2)

It was Jesus who said, “With God all things are possible for those who believe.” Teleporting and spirit travel are just some of those “things” possible through faith by the Spirit of God. There is no limit to what God can do!

I am aware that this sort of thing isn’t on most Christians radar at all, and if they have heard of it they will likely reject it outright without a second thought and label it “new age” or some such nonsense. This seems to be what most people do when they are afraid. But will we wrestle through the Word to see if these things are so, like the Bereans did?

“Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.” Acts 17:11 NASB

Let’s dive in and see for ourselves what the Scripture has to say:

Scriptures on Teleportation:

1 Kings 18:10-12

“ As the Lord your God lives, there is no nation or kingdom where my master has not sent to search for you; and when they said, ‘He is not here,’ he made the kingdom or nation swear that they could not find you. 11 And now you are saying, ‘Go, say to your master, “Behold, Elijah is here.”’ 12 It will come about when I leave you that the Spirit of the Lord will carry you where I do not know; so when I come and tell Ahab and he cannot find you, he will kill me, although I your servant have feared the Lord from my youth.”

So, does this prove that Elijah had teleported? Well, Obadiah, the man speaking here believed that Elijah could be or had been carried away by the Spirit (teleported). Interestingly I had heard of a story of this very thing happening to a Christian leader in the church in China who was surrounded by the police at a conference.

John 6:16-21  (NASB)

“Now when evening came, His disciples went down to the sea, 17 and after getting into a boat, they started to cross the sea to Capernaum. It had already become dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them. 18 The sea began to be stirred up because a strong wind was blowing. 19 Then, when they had rowed about three or four miles, they *saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near to the boat; and they were frightened. 20 But He *said to them, “It is I; [my footnote says, or: “The I AM is here”] do not be afraid.” 21 So they were willing to receive Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.”

So the boat immediately arrives at the destination when Jesus entered the boat. They were only three to four miles across an eight mile wide lake. Pretty wild!

Acts 8:38-40  (NASB)

“And he ordered the chariot to stop; and they both went down into the water, Philip as well as the eunuch, and he baptized him. 39 When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away; and the eunuch no longer saw him, but went on his way rejoicing. 40 But Philip found himself at Azotus, and as he passed through he kept preaching the gospel to all the cities until he came to Caesarea.”

This is by far one of the most clear passages about teleportation. Philip, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, is translated by the Spirit thirty miles North. I see absolutely no reason that anyone who is full of faith and the Holy Spirit, would not at some point possibly experience the same. Do you?

I find it baffling that people can accept that Philip was teleported, but that it could not happen today? Instead I think that signs and wonders and miracles and supernatural experiences of God will increase in the end times. God is still pouring out His Spirit on all mankind (Acts 2) and I choose to believe what Jesus said in John 14:

“Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I speak are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me. 11 Just believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or at least believe because of the work you have seen me do.

12 “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. 13 You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. 14 Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!”

God didn’t have to spare Philip the thirty mile walk. Perhaps he did this just for the sheer fun of it? How playful and fun is God with his kids? My experience tells me it’s a great deal more than we think.

2 Corinthians 12  (NASB)

“Boasting is necessary, though it is not profitable; but I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord. 2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a man was caught up to the third heaven. 3 And I know how such a man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, God knows— 4 was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak. 5 On behalf of such a man I will boast; but on my own behalf I will not boast, except in regard to my weaknesses. 6 For if I do wish to boast I will not be foolish, for I will be speaking the truth; but I refrain from this, so that no one will credit me with more than he sees in me or hears from me.

7 Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me—to keep me from exalting myself!”

It’s agreed by the experts that Paul is humbly referring to himself in the third person here. He talks of visiting Paradise and hearing inexpressible words. Was he in his body or out of it? He didn’t know.

To keep Paul humble, the Lord allowed a messenger of Satan to torment him! Paul goes on to say he pleaded with the Lord three times to remove it. Christ’s response was, “My grace is sufficient for you.”

Scriptures on “Spirit Travel”:

2 Kings 5:26

“But Elisha asked him, “Don’t you realize that I was there in spirit when Naaman stepped down from his chariot to meet you?””

Elisha was there in spirit keeping an eye on Gehazi his servant. Incidentally my own mother had a similar experience when she once “saw in the spirit” someone stealing something.

Ezekiel 8  (NASB)

“It came about in the sixth year, on the fifth day of the sixth month, as I was sitting in my house with the elders of Judah sitting before me, that the hand of the Lord God fell on me there. 2 Then I looked, and behold, a likeness as the appearance of a man; from His loins and downward there was the appearance of fire, and from His loins and upward the appearance of brightness, like the appearance of glowing metal. 3 He stretched out the form of a hand and caught me by a lock of my head; and the Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem, to the entrance of the north gate of the inner court, where the seat of the idol of jealousy, which provokes to jealousy, was located. 4 And behold, the glory of the God of Israel was there”

Ezekiel is lifted up into the sky by the Spirit and transported to Jerusalem in a vision from God and was taken to the north gate of the inner courtyard of the Temple. He is taken on a journey of about 500 miles as the crow flies from Babylon to Jerusalem. In the phrase “visions from God” indicates me that he is in a spiritual form but taken to to a very real physical place, the temple. I see this as spirit travel. What do you think?

He is shown the idolatry that is persisting in Jerusalem and thus the cause for the coming judgement.

I wonder if any of us would be up for such a vision. To be shown the sin of America and all the detestable things that America has done and the cause for its coming judgement. What if you or I were to be called upon to deliver the kinds of messages the prophets did? Visions are certainly not just fun and games. It is truly sobering that we live among such sin and in an evil culture all around us.

Aren’t you the least bit curious to know what God might speak or show to you? Would you be willing to experience what Ezekiel did? He was called upon to do some downright uncomfortable things as a prophet, like lay on one side for over a year without moving having the same meal every day cooked over dung (the Lord had first told him human dung but Ezekiel talked him into using cow dung). If you want to know why, then please read Ezekiel!

Revelation 4:1-6 (NASB)

“After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things.” 2 Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne was standing in heaven, and One sitting on the throne. 3 And He who was sitting was like a jasper stone and a sardius in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald in appearance. 4 Around the throne were twenty-four thrones; and upon the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and golden crowns on their heads.

5 Out from the throne come flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God; 6 and before the throne there was something like a sea of glass, like crystal; and in the center and around the throne, four living creatures full of eyes in front and behind.”

So here John is in the Spirit in heaven itself witnessing One sitting on the throne in glory. Wow! Interestingly the Shema Yisrael says, “Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is One”. Jesus said, “I and the Father are one” and then Jesus himself invites us into this “oneness” with God!

Ezekiel 40:1-4  (NASB)

“In the twenty-fifth year of our exile, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth of the month, in the fourteenth year after the city was taken, on that same day the hand of the Lord was upon me and He brought me there. 2 In the visions of God He brought me into the land of Israel and set me on a very high mountain, and on it to the south there was a structure like a city. 3 So He brought me there; and behold, there was a man whose appearance was like the appearance of bronze, with a line of flax and a measuring rod in his hand; and he was standing in the gateway. 4 The man said to me, “Son of man, see with your eyes, hear with your ears, and give attention to all that I am going to show you; for you have been brought here in order to show it to you. Declare to the house of Israel all that you see.”

The above Scriptures are just some of the examples of a book (the Bible) that is entirely crammed full of supernatural experiences of God! Dreams and visions and miracles abound! I suppose I like to geek out over what visions exactly are. A vision is happening in the spirit realm and might just involve a trip outside of your physical body (Out of Body Experience). I ask myself what would that be like, to be taken out of your body like Ezekiel was by the Spirit and flown 500 miles to Jerusalem? How was Philip teleported? What was that like?

It would be next to impossible to tell my own walk with God without including how dreams and visions have been such a big part of my journey. It saddens me that there are those in the church who judge and even despise, reject and marginalize those who experience dreams and visions from God – which is a direct result of experiencing the Spirit of God. This MUST STOP! If that is you I am asking you to change your mind.

Have you experienced a vision or a dream from God? I am here to tell you it’s alright to ask God for them. Don’t let anyone steal your crown, bully or intimidate you from experiencing God for yourself. Keep yourself immersed in the Word of God and keep seeking him!

“Seek the LORD while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6

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